If for some reason your order did not show up or got damaged, we can issue a full refund or send another package at your request. If however, you received partial order, we will issue a refund with amount of the products that you didn’t receive. No refund will be issued if you decided to purchase wrong medication(s).

We will ask you to first allow 21 business days from the day the order was shipped. If after those 21 days, you have not recieve the package, or if you received notification by Customs that your package was on hold or returned to sender, please contact us via message to support service and we will take care of your request promptly.

If your order was on hold at Customs, we will try to reship. If you want a refund instead, we will issue a partial refund, deduct shipping cost and 30% of product cost to cover processing fees.

No refund will be made if the request for the refund is made after 45 days from the date of purchase.

Return Policy

In compliance with industry standards, we do not accept any returns on generic mediations. If you received an incomplete order or if you are not happy with the product, and would like to receive a refund, please contact us at anytime via message to support service.

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